My name is Lucy Ajambo from Uganda. I come from a small multicultural island of mainly Swahili speaking people on Lake Victoria. The people’s way of life revolves around fishing and agriculture since the island is blessed with fertile soils and adequate rainfall. Life on that island is simple in its purest form unlike in […]
My Home Forever— Mirian Sitole
My name is Miriam Zimbizi, an African Christian College graduating student of 2019, with a bachelor of Theology degree, majoring in Counselling. As much as I am very happy to be graduating, my academic journey has not been a walk in the park. I just want to thank God and the entire African Christian College […]
Ready to Serve—Kingsley Chimaliro
“When God commissions, he leads the way, and take you through.” My journey to African Christian College is decorated with the Lord’s footprints of grace and favour. In every step that I took every day for the past three years, I saw God directing my steps. And, today as I stand graduating with a Bachelor […]
ACC is Outstanding – Timothy Rinopisa
My name is Timothy Rinopisa and I am from Zimbabwe. I am married to Julia Rinopisa and God blessed us with children. Through the grace of God, I have been working as a full time pastor of the Church of Christ for more than 10 years. When I first heard about African Christian College and […]