African Christian College has a rich history of teaching and equipping gospel preachers and ministers for over 45 years. With graduates in over a dozen different countries, we love to get reports (especially like one below!) from our alumni about the important work they are part of throughout Africa (and other continents). We recently received […]
Welcoming the President-Elect’s Family
Students, faculty, and staff have been awaiting the arrival of our new President-Elect’s family. Brad Carter will take the reigns as ACC President in January 2013, but he and his family arrived on campus today. The Carters visited the college in 2011. Brad taught Christian Ethics during our third module. Joining Brad is his wife, […]
Students Receive 2011 Awards of Excellence
Each year African Christian College recognizes deserving students with Awards of Excellence. Many of our students are worthy of this honor and have left home and jobs to travel and study at ACC. Recipients are selected by administration, staff, and students through a voting system of points and were announced in March. The criteria for […]
Showing Off Our Talents
When it comes to talent, our students (and faculty and staff) have quite a variety! It’s always fun to have a little Talent Show where members of the ACC family express themselves in song, jokes, dance, art, and many other entertaining ways. Saturday, March 10 was one of those days! View our Talent Show photo […]