We are almost halfway through our calendar year. The first semester ended on Tuesday with examinations. It has been quite an eventful and great five months. What better way to put it behind us than getting in the field as a family and sweating it out. So on Wednesday we had a Fun Day where […]
We Are Champions!
When it comes to sports, some people enter to participate, but other join to compete. It is the latter that always stands a chance to win and have their names written in the history books. When you compete, you place yourself at vulnerable place because you put your heart into that. There is a great […]
World Book Day is April 23
The Lyle Harms Library at African Christian College provides some of the finest theological and academic resources available. This is thanks to partnerships with online databases and the generosity of our supporters. With over 10,000 volumes on our shelves, we seek to be a resource of inspiration and learning for our students. The United Nations […]
ACC’s Impact in Swaziland
The effects of Jesus’ ministry were felt in Nazareth and surrounding areas, even though he said a prophet has no honour in his/her hometown. In fact, his ministry was mostly centralized within close proximity of his home area. Our campus is housed in Swaziland, and the impact of our work should send echoes within the […]