My time at African Christian College has been a combination of good and bad moments. However, I’m really grateful for that because the bad times made me stronger and the good times will always be cherished and remembered. ACC is a conducive environment for learning due to the fact that different countries and cultures are […]
Dedicated to Preaching – Kholwani Mvelase
It is not a common thing to find a young man who is determined to preach God’s Word for the rest of his life in this generation. The glory bestowed upon material success drives people away from the pulpit. However, ACC has produced a young man who has his eyes firmly fixed on preaching Jesus, […]
“I am Going Back Fully Equipped” – Watipatsa Gomajira
Coming all the way from Malawi, Watipatsa Gomanjira is full of enthusiasm now that he is going back. He is eager to begin work in the kingdom through sharing the knowledge he got from ACC. Here is his story. I loved African Christian College before I set my eyes on it. It is one of the […]
How ACC Helped Me – Ncobile Simelane
Ncobile Simelane came to us from Siteki, Swaziland, and for the last three years has shared her life with us. She has some profound things to say about her time here and how God worked in her life throughout her stay. I would love to first recognize and applaud the existence of this college. I […]