Everything rises and falls on leadership. The Church is not an exception.
Authentic Church leadership remains a paradox for the universal church. Church bodies crumble everyday because of inadequate leadership skills. We cannot continue to ignore this issue. We must engage in a dynamic conversation seeking to craft relevant, Scripture-oriented approaches to authentic leadership in the church.
In collaboration with alumni in the region, our Bible & Ministry Lecturer, Vuyo Fakudze, and Administrator, Tsitsi Nherera, visited Budoola, Uganda for a Church Leadership Conference. Last week, over 135 gathered from Uganda and Kenya to explore the theme: Four-Fold Ministries of the Church.
It was a great week for the leaders in East Africa as they listened, engaged, and journeyed together with the team towards vulnerable leadership – leadership that creates a healthy environment for all members to transform and be like Christ. The teachings were based on Ephesians 4:10-16 and focused on becoming a church that embraces God’s gifts within the congregation and opening spaces for all people to participate in God’s work so the body of the King will be built up to maturity.
Tsitsi together with female alumni led the conversation with the women to envision women’s ministry in the contemporary age. She challenged women to take part in building the body of Christ and to refrain from studying the Scriptures with cultural-historical lenses where women are treated as second class citizens. “We all are called to many areas of service and we equally receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Christ has given the gifts to the church, not to men only,” she emphasised.
Furthermore, they acknowledged the limitations in the church and some organisations for women to fully exercise their gifts. Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the characteristics of a virtuous woman, highlighting qualities such as wisdom, strength, kindness, and industriousness. These traits are foundational to effective leadership. By embracing and empowering women in leadership roles, the church can benefit from a richer diversity of talents, perspectives, and experiences, ultimately strengthening its impact and relevance in the community.
Vuyo facilitated a fruitful conversation about the vision of the Church according to the Apostle Paul. The emphasis was on becoming a church united under King Jesus and welcoming regardless of ethnicity, tribe, gender, or social class. The conversation covered leadership that embraces the gifts within the body of King Jesus for growth and maturity.
It was a great week for the church leaders as they expressed appreciation to African Christian College for coming and being part of the conference. The college is blessed by the opportunity to be part of what God is doing in the region.
And it was a great celebration to be with the alumni who were able to gather and to witness the great work they are doing in East Africa.
African Christian College is committed to equipping and empowering the Kingdom of God for excellent service in Africa.