Words cannot explain how overwhelmed I feel for completing my 3 years at African Christian College. Leaving home and going to a foreign country is never easy. Often, we hear about people getting trafficked for various reasons and, to be honest, that is what I thought was going to happen to me. Upon arrival I wondered if I was going to last for even a month here at African Christian College.
I am not ashamed to boldly say that African Christian College has moulded me into a fully equipped young woman who is ready to take on the world. I believe that I have become a better person academically and otherwise. I have also grown as a human being who can take responsibility for her own life and actions. I believe I am going to help other people and serve the Lord in many other ways. I have a firm belief that we were all created for a purpose, and this is the beginning of my journey of living out that purpose.
I am very grateful for my achievement because I feel like I have worked hard to get where I am. Juggling both work on the farm to pay my fees and also the academic work was not easy. I At some points I got tired and wanted to stop, but I reminded myself that I was doing this for God. I am also grateful for the friends and family I have made here; they were one of the greatest things to happen to me. They taught me to love despite differences in our culture or language. I am leaving here a different person than I was when I came.
You are beautiful, keep that great spirit! God will guide you
Love your confidence and am inspired by your perseverance. Walk into the future with God and your desire to serve Him.