When it comes to sports, some people enter to participate, but other join to compete. It is the latter that always stands a chance to win and have their names written in the history books. When you compete, you place yourself at vulnerable place because you put your heart into that. There is a great danger you expose yourself to, because losing isn’t a pleasant feeling. However, you also place yourself at a point where you may enjoy the feeling that comes from wining. It is the mentality of the joy of success, not the pain of losing, which should drive our endeavours in life. Indeed, it is this attitude that our Netball and Soccer teams took to the Four-College tournament this past Thursday.
It was not the first time we have been part of something like this. Last year we took both our teams to a similar tournament, but with three teams competing. Our Netball team conquered and flew the ACC flag high, whilst our boys came just short of championship status. Things were not going to be the same this year. The spirit was high, and the determination unmatched. The bitter taste of coming close yet so far served as a motivating factor for the soccer team especially. So we went out there and proudly represented ACC by winning the tournament in both sporting codes.
It is indeed a proud and humbling moment for us. This is so because last year was the first time the college has ever engaged other colleges in such a manner. Our teams were still in the building process, so we didn’t expect much. We stand with shoulders high this year because we have managed to write our names as forces to be reckoned with in the sporting scene in the country. The ones who made comments such as, “The preachers can’t play,” are left to eat humble pie. We, ourselves, are humbled for the building of such a dynamic yet united team that goes out to play with all they have.
All in all, we are happy for the blessing of friendship created, energy, and good result. We understand that when we win, we represent the kingdom of God well because excellence is a virtue expected from Christians. More than anything, such opportunities remind us that we need to take time out and have fun to refresh ourselves. It becomes even more refreshing when fun turns out to be as sweet as a victory.