Dear reader. Hearing how and what our former students is always encouraging to us to work even harder in equipping more people to join the workforce in the kingdom. We bring you Victor Elisha from Kenya who is doing amazing work in the east African country. We hope you will be blessed as you read.
Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. My name is Victor Elisha, an alumnus from the 2013 class. During my study at African Christian College (ACC) I was directed, sharpened and equipped for the work of service that I was called into. I am currently serving as a full time pulpit minister at Winyo Church of Christ Rongo – Kenya. The church has other sister ministries where I also serve as a chaplain. In this capacity I specifically render guidance and counselling services at these centers.
We have Winyo Christian Academy ministry that shares God’s love through education. Our firm belief is that knowledge is power; the more we know the more confident we become to achieve our goals, subsequently freeing ourselves from the bondage of poverty. We also have Neema Kwa watoto Foundation as a sister ministry (Neema Kwa watoto is a Swahili word which means grace for the Children). This ministry helps the Church to communicate the amazing love of Jesus Christ by offering a boarding facility, food, clothing, education and health services to orphaned children. As much as these children need material aid, they also need hope, and that is my main task in the center as their chaplain; to keep them hopeful even when there is no reason to hope.
Finally we have prison ministry we visit once a month to share the gospel through guiding and counselling the inmates. We donate food to the inmates and supply Bibles to those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ in order to enhance their spiritual growth. We make sure the work continue by doing follow-ups to the inmates who have been released to help them be accepted back in the community. We also try and find a family of believers who can mentor them to be better persons in the society. Our greatest motivation for the work we do here is derived from the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:35-36, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I need clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Our goal is to share in the glory of our Lord when he comes into his kingdom.