I am Colette Brown. I reside in Tubungu Township, Matsapha, Swaziland and worship at Tubungu Church of Christ. Currently, I am a first year student at African Christian College who wants to major in Organisational Leadership because it covers my interests in community development and entrepreneurship. The institution was not known to me until I looked for a place to worship when I had just moved to this area from the hot rural Lubombo region. A former graduate told me about the courses offered, and I conducted further research at the college.
I believe this major is best suited to compliment my extensive experience in administration and desire to be a better change agent. My future aspiration is to be a visionary leader, who is self-sufficient to run projects of my interest. I want to inspire, as well as empower, other people to do the same so that the quality of their lives is taken to the next level. There is a great need for change in all sectors of society, and authentic African leadership is key. I would like to be counted amongst them. The college and surrounding community has developed to what it is because of visionary Christian leaders. I am one of the beneficiaries, who hopes to ‘pay it forward.
Spiritual formation is the crucial foundation in which to build on so that the desired transformation manifests and is sustained. The context and interpretation of the Bible has always been my interest; I want to understand and know the Word so that I am better able to teach others. The internal changes in individuals flows out to other areas of their lives, hence improved families, communities, churches and organisations.
I am grateful for this opportunity to learn and fellowship in such a diverse spiritual community. It is stimulating and enlightening. God truly does not forget our prayers and answers when we least expect it!