My time at African Christian College has been a combination of good and bad moments. However, I’m really grateful for that because the bad times made me stronger and the good times will always be cherished and remembered. ACC is a conducive environment for learning due to the fact that different countries and cultures are always present, and this enables us to learn from each other.
I vividly recall the day I came to ACC, which was on the 12th of January 2015, especially because I was the first one to arrive in my class. The experience was not good and just the environment itself was really discouraging. Admittedly, I underrated ACC and I hated the place right away because of what I saw on the first day. It seemed like everything was going to be easy and a walk in the park. I believe even some people can agree with me that ACC looks very simple from the outside.
However, things started changing as we approached orientation day and by the first week of class everything was completely transformed, even my views. Today I can boldly say that throughout my three years at ACC I have been changed in many different ways, and I have learned a lot of great skills. The lecturers which ACC has, both the part time and full time, are just amazing and I can’t thank the ACC family enough for the love and for all the good times, lessons and life experiences we had together. As much as I am not a Swazi citizen, but through ACC I felt like a permanent citizen in a foreign country. At first I really struggled with getting along with people from different cultures and different countries. We differed almost in everything from the way we worship, pronounce words, talk, relate and other ways. Cultural superiority was another challenge. However, this changed when I realised that we are all created in the image of God and we are all brothers and sisters through the blood of Jesus.
The work opportunities that we have here really help as I have managed to sustain myself for the past three years. This place is really a privilege because I came with absolutely nothing, but now I’m going back with a degree which is a very rare opportunity. The other great thing is that ACC is not just an institution which dumps theological ideas on students, but it challenges you to be better in thought and other skills, which is something I will be forever grateful for. I have made many friends and family through ACC and now I know that going out of Zimbabwe will not be a problem to me because I have brothers and sisters out there. I am hoping to get a job and work for some time so that I will be able to pay for my studies. If I don’t get a job then will look for scholarships and other avenues which I’m sure God will open up really soon.
In my conclusion, my experience at ACC is unforgettable and I have grown in many different areas. These three years were the best three years of my life and I won’t regret any day at all because this was worthwhile. God is at work at this place and I hope things will continue working and changing for the better. My hope and dream is to one day come back to ACC with something and help in God’s work. This is a blessed place. God bless you all.