Imagine reporting for work in the morning, getting instructions for what you have to do and the specific tools you will need only to discover that there are no tools to work with. There would be no work that day and no food on the table at the end of the month. Many [clear]we forget the importance of people tasked with making sure that the tools used to work are kept safe and returned after work. Sometimes we overlook the fact that without these people, we might have no tools left. Today we meet Make Mdluli, an employee in the Tree of Life who works in the stores department where she keeps stock of tools.
“Everyone goes via me every morning,” she says with a proud yet humble smile, “to get the tools they need to do their various jobs for the day.” Make Mdluli keeps a register of every tool in the farm house and makes sure that whoever takes a tool is recorded in the register. It does not end there; when they knock off work in the evening they have to return the tools and check out in the same register. It is a big and challenging task as you have to make sure that no one leaves without returning the tool they took in the morning. It requires one to be as firm as possible yet humble enough to relate to everyone with love. Fortunately, Make Mdluli possesses these qualities which make her efficient in her work.
All of our work depends on her efficiency in order for work to continue smoothly. She shared that her biggest challenge is when some tools are lost or forgotten. This is when she follows up to make sure tools don’t stay lost forever.
Growth and success depends on everyone giving their best. Make Mdluli gives her best by keeping stock of tools and helping us be good stewards of the resources God has provided.