In the absence of knowledge, people perish (Hosea 4:6). Duncan Ojiambo, a 2012 alumnus, refuses to sit and watch his fellow Ugandans perish from lack of knowledge by taking steps to enlighten people and by helping bring development to communities.
He has helped the Budhonga Church of Christ establish a nursery and primary school to improve their educational status. He has distributed Bibles in communities where he teaches development and environmental conversation. And Ojiambo teaches the gospel, and New Life Behaviour International lessons in schools and on the local radio each week.
“Ministry is mostly having a caring heart,” said Ojiambo. “My focus is to build a strong church for future generations.”
Ojiambo is currently a principal at Busoga Bible School and a parttime social worker with Kibo Group in Uganda. He leads with a hard-working, servant heart and exemplifies the qualities African Christian College seeks to develop in its graduates.