Over the past few months, Lynn Rhodes has traveled to visit two recent graduates to work with them and their ministries for a few days. Lynn is a full-time faculty member at African Christian College and is sharing his observations and reports from the field as the “Traveling Lecturer”.
This week, he reports on a recent trip to Uganda with 2012 graduate Duncan Ojiambo.
In August, I had the privilege of traveling to Jinja, Uganda. Duncan Ojiambo, who finished his work at ACC in December 2012, had organized a workshop for church leaders. The first part was led by Sam Shewmaker, veteran missionary in Africa. I then taught on the last day.
Duncan and his wife Maximillah are doing a great work there. Duncan is involved in a variety of good works in that part of Uganda, including teaching at Harding Christian Academy. Recently he and some others planted a new church out in a rural area and Duncan has baptized 19 people in that effort over the last 6 weeks. I was able to witness 7 of those baptisms while I was there.
I presented on the topic of “How To Tell If The Church Is Growing”. There was a good reception to the messages and hopefully even greater growth will happen in the churches in that area. On Sunday night, I participated in the weekly call-in radio program that the church in Jinja has.
The mission of African Christian College is to equip leaders for churches all over southern and East Africa. Duncan is doing exactly what we hope all our graduates will do when they leave the campus and return home. It was encouraging to me personally to be able to see the good work that is being done in Uganda.