This is the fourth installment of reflections from our recent 2012 graduates. This week we hear from Mongie Silombo, a Swazi student who graduated with a minor in counselling. As a student Mongie led our bi-weekly orphan feeding, the MOM (Masundvwini Orphan Meals) Project; preached and served with fellow students at the Siteki congregation, and as a siSwati speaker served as a regular translator during evangelism and special events throughout the country.
ACC My Home
ACC my home
ACC “the place”
With many opportunities of growth
Both spiritual and physical.
The melting point of many different cultures.
The place of transformation and relization of gifts and talents which were hidden within oneself.
A place where ther mind is stretched.
A place where the WORD of God is taught.
Where one experiences all sorts of valleys in life while having joy and peace inside.
My name is Mongie Silombo. I came to study at ACC in year 2010. It was my decision to join the wonderful family of ACC, where I had many kind, loving women become my mothers; and had many friends, brothers and sisters.
I came to ACC because I felt empty and lonely. I was seeking for God’s attention and I received more than I expected: love, joy, knowledge, peace, and above all a personal, passionate relationship with my Creator.
I feel honoured, priviledged and blessed to be the first Swazi student to receive a degree in a few days to come.
Today I am a stone, when thrown in a river I create waves, not for destruction, but rather as transportation from one level to the other for the weak, hopeless, lonely, and sad towards God.
The soul and spirit is developed and strengthened at ACC so that one can survive in all seasons of his life. I thank God for the Home Away from Home (ACC), the faculty, lecturers, colleagues, classmates, friends, and the faithful members of the underground movement.
Today I can speak loud and say, “Nothing is messed up for Him to fix.”
I love African Christian College and I will be your ambassador as we all strive to represent our heavenly kingdom.
To God be the glory!
Sibongiseni Mabuza
keep the fire burning bro, we salute you